Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pelajaran Sex vs Kejadian Manusia

Nekcun agak teruja untuk masuk campur bila isu pelajaran sex yang sedang hangat diperkatakan sekarang. Semua yang terlibat asyik bersoal-jawab samada pelajaran sex perlu di ajar disekolah-sekolah atau tidak. Tetapi… apakah objektif pelajaran tersebut perlu diajar kepada pelajar-pelajar sekolah? Itulah nyang sepatutnya lebih dititik beratkan daripada samada ia perlu ada atau tidak.

Bila sebut pasal pelajaran sex, apakah agaknya yang mula-mula terfikir di kepala pelajar-pelajar sekelian? Nekcun rasa kita semua pun tahu kan?... Elok-elok bebudak tu tak tahu apa-apa, langsung teruja nak tahu, macam mana nak buat!... sehingga ada satu kartun humour yang nekcun pernah tengok mengajuk bahawa akan ada pelajar yang minta cikgu buat demo, apakah itu hubungan sex!... tak ke haru jadinya!...

Jadi, bagi nekcun pihak yang berkuasa perlu befikir macam mana nak menjadikan pelajaran itu kepada satu pelajaran yang akan memberi menfa’at walau pun hanya melalui sebutan sahaja. Nekcun selalau terfikir, tidak bolehkah pelajaran sex itu disebut sebagai ‘Pelajaran Kejadian Manusia atau Pelajaran Kesihatan Manusia”.

Di dalam pelajaran itu, pelajar-pelajar perlu didedahkan bagaimana manusia itu boleh terjadi. Tonjolkan bagaimana kejadian manusia yang betul mengikut hukum ugama, kejadian manusia dari sumber yang bersih dan suci. Tekankan juga dari sudut kerohanian bahawa apabila manusia terjadi dari benih yang suci maka akan suci jugalah hati dan rohaninya dan dengan itu akan elok jugalah akhlak dan keturunannya.

Dalam ‘Pelajaran Kejadian Manusia atau Kesihatan Manusia’, pelajar juga perlu didedahkan kepada bahayanya kalau manusia atau janin yang terjadi dari hubungan yang salah. Pertamanya dari segi hukum ugama dan keduanya dari segi kesihatan dan resiko yang akan di alami oleh perempuan yang mengandungkan janin itu. Dengan itu, ianya akan memberi kesedaran kepada anak-anak remaja bahayanya hubungan sex yang tidak mengikut hukum yang dihalalkan atau dibenarkan oleh ugama, tak kiralah ugama apa sekali pun kerana semua ugama melarang hubungan sex luar nikah.

Pelajaran sahaja juga tidak mencukupi sekiranya factor ransangan luaran lebih mempengaruhi anak-anak remaja ini. Oleh itu, peranan ibu bapa juga perlu di dalam mengawasi anak-anak remaja mereka dari terjebak ke dalam kancah sex bebas ini seperti hindarkan CD-CD lucah atau pun control the accessibility dalam internet kerana ada system yang boleh mengawal tinjauan internet ke website-website tidak senonoh itu.

Kekadang nekcun setuju juga dengan tindakan Kerajaan China menghentikan pengloporan Google ke dalam negara mereka bagi memastikan hanya internet contents yang bersih boleh di access di Negara itu. Kalau Malaysia pun boleh berbuat begitu, nekcun rasa tidaklah anak-anak remaja kita ini akan terdedah kepada unsur-unsur yang negative itu.

Nekcun tambah bimbang bila membaca satu article dalam surat khabar STAR di bawah Other News & Views (22/3/2010) yang menyatakan dalam tahun 2009 sejumlah 17,300 bayi dari anak Melayu yang lahir akibat dari hubungan luar nikah. Astagfirullahalazim… apa nak jadi ni…

Tambah sedih lagi bila Director General dari JPN – Datuk Alwi Ibrahim mengatakan sejumlah 74,723 bayi luar nikah anak-anak Melayu atau Muslim telah dilahirkan sejak 5 tahun lalu… bayangkanlah apa akan jadi dalam 10 atau 15 tahun lagi… adakah kita boleh yakin yang anak-anak atau cucu-cucu kita akan berkahwin dengan insan-insan yang suci keturunannya kelak?... Nauzubillahminzalid…

Apakah kemajuan dan kemodenan hidup yang dikejar oleh semua orang sekarang ini sudah tidak perlu lagi berpegang kepada hukum ugama?... Eemmmm…. Takut nekcun nak menghadapi hari-hari yang mendatang ini….

p/s: Mungkin nekcun ni ortodok sikit di dalam mendidik anak-anak… harap kekawan janganlah berkecil hati atas luahan nekcun di atas itu…

Friday, March 12, 2010

Tahniah!... anak-anak Malaysia yang Cemerlang!

Sejak akhir-akhir ini nekcun rasa seolah 24 jam sehari bagaikan tak cukup untuk nekcun menguruskan segalanya. Kerja di pejabat yang tidak henti-henti memerlukan perhatian dan seliaan nekcun, ditambah pula dengan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang isteri, emak dan nenek telah benar-benar mencabar kewibawaan nekcun di dalam menangani pengurusan masa.

Namun… demi mencari rezeki yang halal dan juga memastikan keharmonian dan kesejahteraan kehidupan nekcun sekeluarga di dunia dan akhirat, nekcun redha dengan segalanya.

Bagi nekcun apa yang mustahak adalah apabila nekcun dapat membantu orang lain gembira dan bahgia. Nekcun juga akan rasa seronok kalau dapat berkongsi pengetahuan dan ilmu yang boleh dimenfa’atkan oleh orang lain untuk menjadi seseorang yang berjaya di dalam kerjaya mereka disamping sebagai seorang yang berguna kepada ugama, bangsa dan negara.

Berkongsi pengalaman yang baik, ilmu yang betul dan pengetahuan yang boleh dimenfa’atkan oleh setiap insan adalah sesuatu yang dapat memberi kepuasaan kepada nekcun. Sebab itu jugalah nekcun tidak akan menolak sekiranya ada pelajar-pelajar sekolah atau mahasiswa/siswi dari IPTA / IPTS yang datang berjumpa dengan nekcun untuk nasihat atau kaunseling kerjaya. Bagi nekcun, hanya itu sahajalah yang dapat nekcun lakukan untuk menolong ‘anak-anak bangsaku’ maju dan setanding dengan orang lain di dalam membina kerjaya cemerlang.
Semoga Allah akan sentiasa memberkati dan merahmati ‘anak-anak bangsaku’ yang sentiasa bersedia berusaha untuk maju dan cemerlang di dunia dan akhirat. InsyaAllah…

Sukacita juga Nekcun mengucapkan TAHNIAH dan SYABAS kepada semua pelajar yang berjaya mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang pada peperiksaan SPM baru-baru ini.

<<>> gambar bersama pelajar-pelajar dari UM selepas sessi "Project Briefing"

p/s : “Adik Fatihin… makcik ucapkan tahniah kerana Berjaya mendapat 11A dalam SPM… semoga Fatihin terus maju dan buktikan bahawa cucu Tok Mat Arab boleh!!!...”

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Passion & LOVE... way of good life?...

Last week I've attended a seminar on Teaming with Passion conducted by Dr. Lawrance Walter Ng, one of the popular speaker for subject on 'Transformation'. It was a good session and frankly speaking, even at my current age, I found that the seminar was very useful to me. It thought us a lot on how to face all the challenges in this new era of business environment, new culture of life, the right communication and the important thing was on how to manage our own way of life.
There were lots of activities that required the participation of the participants. We were grouped into 6 different groups. One of the activities required everyone to write an essay on what we understood from the 1st day session and every activities contributed by the participants will be given points as to add to their group's marking, which a symbolic of revenue brought in by an employee to the organization.
Just would like to share my joy with everyone that my essay had earned 3.5 millions points and got the "Wow!..." from Dr. Lawrence and other facilitators. It had helped to push my group from no. 5 to no. 3 by the end of the sessions. Here is the essay for your reading pleasure!...


When the question of “what do you mean by passion” was asked on our 1st activity this morning, spontaneously I thought about LOVE. To me passion is LOVE. When you have the passion, it is equally when you have the feeling of LOVE.

Before I go further on what ‘ahaah..’ did I get from the training, I would like to share with all my friends why I associated passion with Love.

When talking about love, what comes to our mind is merely a relationship between a man and a woman. Very rare that we’ll think love is something more than just the beautiful feeling between the two genders.

Basically love is something that relates with feelings between two parties. It’s not only between the two different genders, but it can also exists between similar gender, between human and other things in this world, and the most valued & prestigious love is between human and our Great Creator ie: ALLAH or GOD.

When love exists, everything is so pleasant and beautiful. A husband can easily forgive his wife and vice versa when love embraces their marriage. Children will never neglect their parents when their life is surrounded with feeling of love. A man will never hurt his girlfriend in any aspects and vice versa when sincere love bounded their relationship. A human will never hurt an animal if love exists in his/her heart. A friendship can last forever when sincere love is the basic of their beliefs & trusts. An organization can be prosperous and successful if every of its employee loves their jobs and tasks.

But, how many of us realized the wonders and powers of love could affect our daily life?

I’ve seen a dying man suffering from cancer can still smiles and greet all his visitors because the feeling of love that always exists in his mind. He believes that, only love could bring all his friends to his side even when his time is clocking out from this world. The loves from his friends could relief the pain and encourage him to be stronger, although only God knows how he suffered!

I have another friend who had been in his job for the last ten years without having any career progression, but he’s still there giving his full commitment & loyalty to the organization. I used to ask him, “Why are you still here while with your skills & expertise, you can have better career progression and opportunities somewhere else?”
“I love my job and my employer. I love the organization!...” answers that I never expected and has never been in my mind. It’s no harm giving your LOVE to someone or whatever you feel that deserves your LOVE because it is like Leveraging Of Valuable Efforts in order to maximize productivity

After second thought, I intend to agree with him and came-up with an interesting formula as follows:-

Leveraging Of Valuable Efforts (LOVE) = Synergy
Synergy = Team work & commitment
Team work & commitment = Economy of scale on resources
Economy of scale on resources = maximized productivity at lower cost
Maximized productivity at lower cost = PROFIT.

Huh… this is something interesting to ponder!... Isn’t it good if an organization can inculcates the feeling of LOVE in every of its employees! Love their jobs, love their team members, love their work environment and the most important thing; LOVE the company.

LOVE is something that everybody needs in their life but sometimes do not know where to get it. LOVE is a booster that everyone needs in managing wonderful life in this world. LOVE is part of required immunization for everyone to prevent negative influences that had been spreading like active virus in our, so called “modern life style & social culture”.

I, myself always believe that feeling in love can make us fit and healthy. Feeling of love has always makes us happy and smiles to everyone that we meet. And another important impact of love is, LOVE always makes everyone feel young and energetic. It’s very wonderful to love and be loved. Do give your loves in order to get back all the loves that you needed.

Back to the basic objective of the Training, I have strongly believed that with the feeling of LOVE, we can transform the HR practitioners in every aspect.

When we LOVE our job, will tend to do it as best as possible in order to deliver all the tasks and eventually it would encourage us to perform better than expected because when feeling of LOVE grow deeper, we will become more motivated and thus in whatever ways we will try to strive for the best.

The feeling of LOVE also will be able to navigate the feeling of jealousy. When we can manage to put aside the feeling of jealousy, automatically we will be happy to work with anybody and willingly to support others to strive good result.

The principle of “I support you!” is something that not everybody can sincerely mean it when said. However, through this training, I really got the message how important it is when we are facing a war with the enemies. We need to unite and support each other in order for us to be stronger and able to fight the enemies successfully, like the most popular Malay proverb : “Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh”.

As a conclusion, the training had really given me a ‘wake-up call’ on how important it is for organization to inculcate the feeling of LOVE or PASSION among the employees as to enable the creation of the environment as mentioned in all the posters such as “I support you”, team work, increase the standard, word is power, everyday is a great day and etc.

Importantly, with the feeling of LOVE, it will be easy for us to adopt and practice the 7 principles that we had outlined as the new HR cultures.

With the feeling of LOVE also, I believed that we will be able to capture the HEART of our customers, and thus will assist us in winning the “WAR”.

Written with passion & love from,
KAMSIAH ABU (Sourcing & Talent Management)